The ocean, rivers, lakes, wetlands and waterfalls give us life every minute each day.
Each drop made up of billions of molecules, share a bond containing hydrogen and oxygen. 
This natural resource is not only essential to our existence, as First Nation Australians 
water is crucial to our cultural vitality. 
As Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, we have a responsibility of our culture and customs from our ancestors and elders. Our people thrived off our waterways, nourishing every living organism. 
From hauling nets with reed floats and clay weights to the oldest human construction on earth, the fish traps of Brewarrina.

First Nation Australians had a deep connection of the natural world. Partnering with dolphins who drove schools of fish in shore or orcas chasing in whales, trading whale tongue to the orcas as a gift of gratitude. 
To the people of the Torres Strait Islands who can navigate by the stars, reading the wind, tides and reefs to get to each island. 
We fast forward to 2019, and our river beds are running dry, the islands of the Torres Strait are submerging in the sea with manmade pollution endangering life as we know it. 
The threat of climate change is now upon us. We are the guardians of the sea, together we must protect Sea Country.


Written by Tamika Sadler. 
